About Us

Who we are ?

Specialist in Investigative Services with over 19 years over of experience & 10K+ satisfied clients

We specialize in Private Investigations, Matrimonial, confidential verifications and inquires for business as well as personal. We provide a wide range of background checks, assessment tools and character screening Services. We have a dedicated team of trained professionals. Our selected and screened investigators equipped with all latest high-tech investigation equipment and has undergone the extensive training to perform their duties with sincerity and taught several tools so as to generate the best results in the shortest possible time. Our qualifications, expertise and Services are best evidenced by our clients. We focus on providing our clients with the information they need and giving it to them in the right context. Whether it is due diligence, background checks (personal or corporate), investigations, financial profiles, litigation support, competitor analysis or a marketing research, we give it to you within your time frame and budget.

Our Mission is to provide and supply our clients with superior investigative Services. We take pride in our ability to provide the highest quality Services at the most competitive prices. The Agency’s destiny is determined by the diverse backgrounds, and achievements of its team of professionals. This proves that a combination of prompt response time, total professionalism and high standards produces principles of proven experience and notable results. Our company has evolved to serve the needs of a diverse client base ranging from attorneys, corporations, small businesses and the general public. Throughout the years, Defense Investigators has remained intensely and personally devoted to its clients and its mission. Our growth is bolstered by our determination to provide cost-effective solutions to problems.

Cases Handled


800+ Reviews


600+ Reviews


800+ Reviews

What We Do

Our Commitment

We provide critical investigations into all aspects of the defense case, which include location of witnesses, statements, evaluation, evidence collection and review, independent analysis, background investigations, crime scene investigations, documentation analysis and regional canvassing, as well as other Services directed by the client. The Agency gathers essential evidence, and witnesses that not only support your case, but aid in critical determinations that influence the outcome of verdicts.

How we work ?

Our each investigator is familiar with our policies and standards. They work with the knowledge of the relevant Private Investigator Act, the Criminal Code of India and the charter of Rights. Our investigations are confined to the type and scope of investigations requested by the client. Information developed through our investigations are not used for any other purpose other than reporting to the client. We feel pride to take an honest effort each time an assignment is undertaken. All reports are written in a third person narrative; describe only after investigators observations in an objective unbiased fashion. Reports are chronological and retain/secure all notes and other evidences collected for the purpose of continuity. Video footage obtained is factual. No attempt is ever made to alter or edit the video in order to present a biased view of the subject’s disabilities or abilities under investigations. If for any reason the investigator is unable to video tape the activities of the person concerned, he or she is instructed to report their visual observation in the same fashion. Our video footage displays continuous date and time indicators. Reports are always verified to ensure that the written report is consistent with the video footage obtained. Most cost-effective investigation firm with unmatched quality & foremost Services.

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